Auditions for “Phantom of the Opera”


AUDITION INFORMATION for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Phantom of the Opera”, to be performed at The Old Grantsville Church Dinner Theatre in late October and early November.(see details below)

Ballet Dancer Auditions: Dancers who are high school age or older may audition, or younger teen dancers with ballet experience. Come to one or both of the following:
7pm-9pm Wed Aug 16, 2023
4pm-6pm Saturday August 19, 2023.
Plan to stay for the entire 2-hour period. No preparation is necessary. We will be teaching you a dance.

Singing Auditions for Cast Members: Only actors who are high school age and older may audition. Walk in Thursday August 17, 2023 or Friday August 18, 2023 between 7pm and 9pm for auditions. Callbacks will be Sat Aug 19, 2023 morning and early afternoon. Bring resume and schedule conflicts. For the singing audition, prepare 32 bars (60-90 seconds) of a Broadway- style song from a different show. Bring your own electronic accompaniment. A pianist will also be available.

All auditions will be held at The Old Grantsville Church, 297 West Clark Street in Grantsville, UT
Call/Text Macae Wanberg (Producer) at (435)241-8131 or Normandy Wanberg (Director) at (435)225-6108 with questions.


Christine Daaé, a chorus girl

The Phantom, a composer and magician known as the Opera Ghost

Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, patron of the Opera, childhood sweetheart of Christine

Monsieur Firmin, co-manager of the Opera

Monsieur André, co-manager of the Opera

Carlotta Giudicelli, the Prima Donna of the Opera

Madame Giry, the ballet Mistress

Ubaldo Piangi, leading tenor of the Opera, Carlotta’s husband

Monsieur Reyer, the chief répétiteur/director of the Paris Opera

Meg Giry, Madame Giry’s daughter, member of the ballet chorus, Christine’s best friend.

Monsieur Lefèvre, the previous owner of the Opera

Joseph Buquet, chief stagehand of the Opera

Madame Firmin


Porter/Marksman/Fop (in Il Muto)

Don Attilo (in Il Muto)/Passarino

Slave Master (in Hannibal)



Page 1 & 2 (in Don Juan Triumphant)

Porter/Chief Fire Officer

Wardrobe Mistress/ Confidante (in Il Muto)

Princess (in Hannibal)

Innkeepers Wife (in Don Juan Triumphant)

Two Fire Marshals

Two Epicene Men (a hairdresser and Jeweler)

Ensemble: The Ballet Chorus of the Opera, Stagehands, Policemen, Attendants


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