2020 Season at Salty Dinner Theater

Salty Dinner Theater is excited to announce auditions for our 2020 season Saturday December 7th from 1:00 pm until 2:30.

We are looking for talented comedic actors as well as some amazing singers who are comfortable with improv! All roles come with a gas stipend.

Please come prepared with a headshot and resume as well as some material to show off your skills! If you are interested in doing both, please prepare for both. To set up an audition time, please email beth@saltydinnertheater.com (due to the holidays we cannot guarantee timely responses to telephone inquiries at our office number of 801-262-5083).

February: Snow White

Summer: a murder mystery

October: Dracula


Singers: Please prepare two contemporary upbeat songs that show off your ability in the style of pop, rock or jazz. (We are not looking for musical theater.) Please bring a cd or minus track on your phone or iPod. A piano will not be provided.

Actors: Please prepare a one minute comedic monologue

All of our casts are small (5-7 performers) which gives each cast member the opportunity to shine! Doing shows with Salty Dinner Theater is an experience like no other! We specialize in creating fun entertainment using our original scripts, amazing performers and a format that is unique to our Salty Style! We perform at various restaurants throughout the state, for more information visit our Facebook page or website at www.saltydinnertheater.com!

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