Arsenic and Old Lace

Performance Dates: January 31, February 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 7:30 pm
Venue: Theater at Mount Jordan, 300 East 9400 South, Sandy
Tickets: – Adults – $12, Seniors & Students – $10

In 1941 Brooklyn, Mortimer Brewster
returns to his family home debating about
marrying Elaine Harper, the girl next door.
The only problem? The Brewster family, a
once elite American bloodline, has now
descended into homicidal insanity. His
two spinster aunts have a curious charity
– they poison lonely, elderly gentlemen
with spiked elderberry wine, in order to
put them out of their misery. His brother
Teddy believes he is Theodore Roosevelt
and other brother Jonathan is a homicidal
maniac. Mortimer must now deal with the
Brooklyn police, covering up for his kin,
torn between family loyalty and the desire
to marry the woman he loves.

“You’ll Love This To Death”

Tickets available on-line at , at the box office before the show or by calling 801-568-2787 during business hours.

Discount for groups of 10 or more with single purchase.

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