Young Santa Claus and The Winter Solstice Audioplay

Pink Wombat Cinema will be holding auditions for a multi episode Christmas thened audioplay, “Young Santa Claus and the Winter Solstice”, by Paul & Patrick Gibbs, in commemoration of the 10 year anniversary of the original stage production.

This will be a socially distanced production, produced and rehearsed entirey online. Unfortunately, all roles are unpaid.

Auditioners may submit audio recordings, or schedule an audition through Zoom, by emailing

The roles of Ruafel, Flick and Jack Frost have been pre-cast.

Characters – Remember that this all audio. If you can sound like a 12 year old, you don’t have to look like one.

Kris Kringle, male, 11- 13, a boy who will grow up to be Santa Claus.

Anya, 11-13, Kris’s best friend and the Mayor’s daughter. Smart, cheerful and resourceful.

The Snow Queen, female, an evil sorceress.

Aurora Borealis, female, a fairy queen who serves as narrator.

Ruafel and Flick, (pre-cast), elves who serve as mentors to Kris.

Jack Frost (pre-cast), the Snow Queen’s minion.

Krampus, the Snow Queen’s beastly minion.

The Toymaker, Male. Kris’s father.

Menelwenn, female, an elf who has a gift for making toys.

Thalion, male, an elf

Additional Elves

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One Response to Young Santa Claus and The Winter Solstice Audioplay

  1. Te'a Leilani says:

    Are auditions still being held?

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