West Jordan Youth Theatre-Summer Workshop 2019

We are thrilled to be bringing back our popular theatre workshop for Summer 2019. Please use the sign up link to register for our event.

We have amazing professionals from the theatre community lined up to work with your kids! You can choose to take certain classes, or you can sign your child up for the entire week.

Open to youth ages 8 to 18

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080948A4A82DA1FF2-summer

June 17-21, 2019 (Friday and Sat events are only for those kids who participate in the whole workshop as they are for the end of week showcase).

Individual classes are $30 each hour *See sign up for specific hours
2 Hour Audition 101 class is $60 *See sign up for specific hours
Choose the entire week for $150

****If you want to sign up for specific classes, sign up for each one you want. If you want to sign up for the entire week, choose the single option listed as “FULL WEEK SIGN UP” you do NOT need to select each class if you are coming to everything. You will get an email with payment instructions within 24 hours once you sign up.

***Those who attend the entire workshop will stay until 3pm each day to work on Showcase and 2pm on Friday, Saturday showcase details to come!

Full Workshop program runs
**Monday through Thursday June 17-20 from 10am to 3pm
**Friday June 21st 10am to 2pm
**Saturday June 22 Showcase performance for those who attend the whole week.
**(Friday and Saturday events are only for those who choose the whole week of camp)

Entire week including lunch and SWAG is $150

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080948A4A82DA1FF2-summer

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