Valhalla | A Nordic Rock Opera at the Angelus Theatre

ALL ROLES PAID! Stephen Gashler’s VALHALLA | A NORDIC ROCK OPERA, a celebration of all things Viking and Norse mythology, is backs for its third run at the Angelus Theatre in Spanish Fork, running from March 21 – April 2, 2022. Learn more and apply at For questions, text 801-900-3035 or email
Auditions are by video only and can be sent now. Callbacks will be held on Sat, Jan 22nd between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Rehearsals will run primarily at the Angelus Theatre and at the Springville Community Presbyterian Church from Jan 24th – March 19th, Mon, Tue, Thu from 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM and Sat from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Performances will run March 21st – April 2nd, Mon, Thu, Fri, and Sat, with call times at 6:00 PM.

Get ready to rock with this epic, musical theatre adventure, featuring some of the best of local talent. In the year 830, a band of Vikings raids a Saxon nunnery. But when the battle goes sore, Sven, an inexperienced Viking, is separated from his clansmen. Needing to find a way back to Norway, he makes a hostage of a nun named Mary. Together they face a perilous voyage on a stolen ship, a journey that takes them to the edge of life and into the magical realm of the gods.

What began as a successful Kickstarter project and a rocking album, then grew into a series of concerts, music videos, and a full-scale production, is back for its third run, bigger and better than before. Stephen Gashler’s VALHALLA | A NORDIC ROCK OPERA, produced by Great Hall Theatrical Experiences at the Angelus Theatre, is directed by Tiffany Davis.

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