The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds

By David Hanson

Director: Adam Cannon


Video Auditions:

Submit a headshot, resume, any conflicts you may have during the rehearsal period, along with a video file or link with three one-minute contrasting, distinctive character monologues or one monologue performed three times as three distinctive characters.

Suggested characters: (feel free to create your own)

Older man/woman

Foreign man/woman


Frazzled parent

Radio announcer

Distinguished professor (middle-aged


Callbacks: August 5, 2023 – 10:00am-1:00pm, by invitation only. We will read scenes from the script. In-person attendance at callbacks is mandatory.


The Play:

A true story behind one of the most brilliantly creative and terrifying moments in radio broadcasting history. The play tells the story of the arrogant Orson Welles and his collaborators at CBS as they produced the now infamous broadcast. Recreating moments from the notorious radio drama, including live foley (sound effects) on stage, the cast also recreates the drama behind the scenes!

The Characters:

There are six actors in the show, 3M, 3F. All actors will play multiple roles, including Orson Welles, John Houseman, announcers, operators, radio play actors, citizens who listened to the broadcast, etc. All roles are paid a stipend.

Rehearsal and Performance Dates:

Rehearsals will be held at the Covey Center. They begin August 12, 2023 and run M-F 6:30-9:30pm, and Saturdays 10am-1pm. They will be held at least three times per week, with number of rehearsals ramping up as opening approaches.

Performances are Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays September 28 – October 21, 2023 in the Brinton Black Box.

For more information, please contact the Stage Manager:

Emily Hughes

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