- Name of Play: The Barrymore Hauntings
- About: An original Victorian haunted house musical series performed in segments “on location” around Utah Valley and broadcast via social media, with episodes streaming live from Nov. 10th to Dec. 8th
- Available audition dates: Sep. 23rd – 29th
- Rehearsals will be Mon, Wed, Thurs at 6:30 PM, Sep. 28th – Nov. 9th
- Contact Info: Ruthie Higley, Stage Manager – ruthiecobb.higley@gmail.com
- Also seeking candidates for director, lighting & sound, and live streaming expert
- Dates of performances: Nov. 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th; Dec. 1st, 3rd, 8th
- Note: Series is broken down into segments or “episodes,” so full cast is not required at every performance
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