
The Ziegfeld Theater announces open auditions for the new musical “Newsies,” directed by Caleb Parry, choreographed by Bryan Andrews, and music directed by Jaime Balaich.

***Show pays a flat rate of $300 with a $200 gift card to the Egyptian Theatre. All actors will also receive 2 season passes to The Ziegfeld Theater. All actors must be available for performances in Ogden and Park City to receive stipend.***

PERFORMANCES: Ogden performances at The Ziegfeld Theater are February 21, 22, 28, 29, March 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, at 7:30pm with Saturday matinees on February 29 and March 7 at 2:00pm. Park City performances at The Egyptian Theatre are scheduled for March 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29. All performances there will be at 7:30pm with the exception of the Sunday performances, which will be at 6:00 PM.

ROLES: Seeking strong actor-singers who move well. All roles are available. Colorblind casting – actors of ALL races and skin color are HIGHLY encouraged to audition. Roles detailed at

AUDITIONS: Tuesday, November 12 and 13, 7-10 PM by appointment only. To schedule your audition, go to and click “Audition,” under the “Join Us” tab. Invitation only callbacks will be held Thursday, November 14 in the evening and Sat. November 16 in the morning.

***If you are absolutely unavailable to audition on these dates, let us know as soon as possible so that we may arrange an alternate audition time for you, if possible.***

LOCATION: The Ziegfeld Theater – 3934 S Washington Blvd. in Ogden ***Please note location.***

PREPARE: For the audition, bring a printed copy of your resume and a headshot or recent picture. Prepare a 30-60 second selection from a Broadway musical in the style of the show. You are welcome to sing a selection from the show. Sheet music is required; accompanist provided.

***Please no CD’s, mp3’s, or a cappella auditions. ***

REHEARSALS will begin December 14, 2019 and will usually be held at the Ziegfeld Arts Academy, Monday-Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon. There will be longer spacing and tech rehearsals in Ogden the week before opening as well as in Park City the week before opening.

This show will be performed in both spoken English and ASL.

Prior experience in ASL not required for casting.

If you have any questions, please email

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