Guys and Dolls

Presented By: Cottonwood Heights Arts Council.

Show: Guys and Dolls.

Directed By: Michelle Yamazaki.

Open Call Auditions (18 and older): Friday, March 17th, from 6-9pm. And Saturday, March 18th, from 9am – 12pm.

Location: Cottonwood Heights City Hall, 2277 East Bengal Blvd.

Show Dates: July 7th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 14th & 15th.

For more information about auditions please visit CHCITYARTS.COM or email

Preparing for your open-call audition (18 and older)

  1. Fill out this audition form before arriving, if possible, and view the character descriptions 
    • If you will be submitting a video audition, call Anna Kelsch at 385-266-7308
  2. Bring the following:
    • Theater resume
    • Current headshot (you can get this back after callbacks, if needed)
    • Audition form
    • 15-30 bars of prepared music (about 30-45 seconds)
      • We will provide a keyboard and speaker with plug-in options, but you must bring your own accompanist
      • Dance ensemble participants are not required to sing but will be asked to do a double pirouette and a time step (give it your best shot!)
  3. Visit this page Monday, March 20, at 5 p.m. to see callbacks
    • Callbacks will be held Friday, March 24 (only if needed), and Saturday, March 25, at City Hall
    • Callbacks are held by invitation only. You must attend in person to be considered for a role.
  4. Visit this page Wednesday, March 29, at 5 p.m. to see the final cast list

    Guys and Dolls Roles

    Roles include age that the character is played as (actor/actress actual age could be younger or older) Minimum age to audition is 18
    Cast Size: 30 (estimated)

    Sky Masterson – Lead role
    Character Breakdown: A high-stakes gambler whose luck never seems to run out, and a wild card who

    surprises himself when he falls in love with the unlikeliest of women. Suave, smart, handsome. Character: Male
    Able to play age: 35 to 45
    Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: B3

    Dance requirements: Some dance/movement ability required

    Sarah Brown – Lead role
    Character Breakdown: A pretty, bright-eyed woman who serves as Sergeant of the local Mission. She

    fully believes in her worthy cause and wishes to convert the gambling sinners to saints. Falls unexpectedly in love with Sky along the way. She is prudish and uptight, but eventually lets go. Character: Female
    Able to play age: 20 to 30

    Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: B3
    Dance requirements: Some dance/movement ability required

    Nathan Detroit – Lead role
    Character Breakdown: A good-hearted gambler and craps game organizer who could never hit the

    bigtime. He loves Adelaide, but cannot quit his gambling ways. A broke schemer with unwitting ways. Character: Male
    Able to play age: 35 to 45
    Vocal range top: F5 Vocal range bottom: D4

    Miss Adelaide – Lead role
    Character Breakdown: Nathan’s fiancé and a lead performer at the Hot Box nightclub. She loves Nathan

    more than anything in the world and desperately wants to get married. Pretty, outspoken, stubborn. Character: Female
    Able to play age: 25 to 35
    Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: A3

    Dance requirements: Dancing ability required

    Nicely-Nicely Johnson – Supporting role
    Character Breakdown: Just like his name suggests, he is the nicest and cheeriest of the gambling

    crooks. High-spirited and a bit naïve, but sincere and genuine. Nathan’s loyal friend and lackey. Character: Male

    Able to play age: 30 to 45
    Vocal range top: B5 Vocal range bottom: D4

    Benny Southstreet – Supporting role
    Character Breakdown: Nathan’s right-hand man and a gambler himself. Smart, slick, always moving and

    shaking, but with what he thinks are Nathan’s best interest at heart. Character: Male
    Able to play age: 30 to 45
    Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: D4

    Arvide Abernathy – Supporting role
    Character Breakdown: The bass drum and cymbal player in the Mission band, he is Sarah’s loving

    grandfather. Wise and sweet, he wants nothing but the best for her. Character: Male
    Able to play age: 50 to 65
    Vocal range top: F5 Vocal range bottom: D4

    Harry The Horse – Supporting role
    Character Breakdown: A crook and gambler. He is a tough guy with dollar signs as his bottom line.

    Brings Big Jule into Nathan’s craps game and backs his cheating, but is also a man of his word in the gambling community.
    Character: Male
    Able to play age: 35 to 55

    Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: F3

    Big Jule – Supporting role
    Character Breakdown: A big time craps player from Chicago who uses a gun and his own pair of rigged

    dice to bully his way into never losing. Tough looking. A bit of an oaf. Character: Male
    Able to play age: 30 to 50
    Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: F3

    Lt. Brannigan – Minor role
    Character Breakdown: A New York police officer who is on to Nathan’s illegal craps games and is

    dead-set on catching him. A tough, no-nonsense character. Character: Male
    Able to play age: 40 to 55

    Rusty Charlie – Cameo
    Character Breakdown: Sings the trio ‘Fugue for Tinhorns’ with Nicely & Benny.

    Character: Male
    Able to play age: 20 to 45
    Vocal range top: Db3 Vocal range bottom: F4

    General Matilda B Cartwright – Cameo
    Character Breakdown: Regional representative of the Salavation Army. Powerful, matronly,

    no-nonsense with a formidable presence and, it transpires, a sense of humour. Character: Female
    Able to play age: 40 to 70
    Vocal range: Female mezzo

    Hot Box Girls – Chorus
    Character Breakdown: A chorus of performers who back-up Adelaide in her nightclub act. Strong

    dancing, singing and character performance required. They perform 2 numbers with Adelaide & will double into other aspects of the ensemble.
    Character: Female
    Able to play age: 18 to 35

    Dance requirements: Strong dancing required.
    ***There are 4 named Hot Box Girls: Mimi, Allison, Ferguson, Vernon***

    Ensemble – Playing multiple roles, some with lines (Minor roles) Sightseers

    Salvation Army Mission Band (Agatha, Calvin, Martha) Crap Shooters (Liver Lips Louie, Angie The Ox) Waiters
    Cuban Dancers
    Joey Biltmore
    Master of Ceremonies

    Dance Ensemble – Featured in dance scenes, no singing required

    Featured male and female dancers will be required for the Opening in Runyonland and Broadway, Havana Sequence and male dancers for the Crapshooters Dance. They may double into the ensemble.



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