The longest running musical of all time, The Phantom of the Opera, may have closed on Broadway but it’s coming to Kensington Theatre in June, 2024 and we are STOKED!!!
- Registration Fee: $200 (includes Cast T-shirt and one epic experience!) There are NO REFUNDS on registration so be sure you are committed to the production.
- Auditions: November 28, 7-10p. Only registered teens may audition. If you are registered you may choose to audition for a solo role or not audition and be placed in the chorus.
- Ballet Auditions: November 29, 7-9p. All registered teens should attend (Girls AND boys!)
- Call Backs: December 2, 8a-1p
- Ages: 16-19 (You must be born between June 15, 2004-June 14, 2008: This age limit is our contract with Andrew Lloyd Weber, no exceptions!)
- Prepare for First Audition on November 28: 16 bars from the musical (Pick ONE of these), fill out the Audition Form (You will be emailed a link beginning November 1 or once you are registered), and sign up for an Audition Time (you’ll do this through the Audition Form) by November 27. If you are registered and don’t want to audition, you will be placed in the chorus, but you must still fill out the Audition Form and email your headshot and resume to by November 28.
- First Cast Meeting: December 5, 7-10p.
- Rehearsals: The first rehearsal will be on April 22. Generally rehearsals will be M-Th, 6-10p and Saturdays, 8a-5p. The amount of rehearsals you will have will depend on the role you are cast in. There will be no rehearsals May 24-27, May 30-31. You may not have conflicts in June to participate, you will be dropped without a refund.
- Performances: June 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, and 24, 2024
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