24-Hour Youth Theatre Festival

Join us for the first 24-Hour Youth Theatre Festival (Virtual) produced by The Box. We are looking for young people ages 14-17-ish who would like to act in this year’s festival. To audition, please complete the audition form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemm9je7d5-_LnbKCKaxZkblkDQUG1OU9tpUdsOIqxCwpg6Dw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Then upload a headshot and a video of you telling a joke to the following Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14ZwBMBEbzxXU_wzHNYfRuz1vHmRIhbEu?usp=sharing

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2 Responses to 24-Hour Youth Theatre Festival

  1. Sarah Baird says:

    Hi! I filled the form out but haven’t had the chance to film a joke yet, that will be up soon.

  2. Sarah Baird says:

    The Google Drive does not have edit access for me, can I get an email address to send the headshot and joke to please? Thanks!

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