Tristram & Isolde

Performance Dates: March 6 – 21
Venue: Angelus Theatre, 165 N Main St, Spanish Fork 84660
Tickets: General Admission $10,    Student/Senior/Veteran $8,    Children $7

Cobb&Co Theater Productions proudly presents ‘Tristram & Isolde’.

Triple threat Tony Cobb created the music, book and lyrics for this modern take on an ancient legend. Tony began work on his very first musical in his teenage years and has had a special affection for the theatre ever since.

“Retro is the style, ancient Europe is the setting for this unique and special production.” says John Cobb, co-founder of Cobb&Co Theater Productions, “With an eclectic mix of modern music, this show has a little something for everyone. One of the songs fluctuates between classic pop,
opera, ballet, and rap! So come expecting the unexpected.”

While based on an ancient legend, this modern take of ‘Tristram & Isolde’ (Tristan & Iseult) certainly is its own beast. In this telling, Tristram and Isolde – due to the powers of an all but unbreakable spell – fall desperately in love. Yet they prove, through sheer willpower alone, that mankind need not play victim to circumstance.Tristram & Isolde

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