The True Story of Robin Hood

Performance Dates: November 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
Venue: Midvale Performing Arts Center
Tickets: $10

Sherwood Forest. The village of Nottingham. Little John, Friar Tuck, Maid Marion, Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham. So you thought you knew the story of Robin Hood?  Well, you were wrong.  Come join us for this hilarious original comedy. Back on stage by popular demand, it’s The True Story of Robin Hood!  You will love every minute of this parody of a timeless story.

November 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 at 7:00 pm with a matinee at 2:00 pm November 9.
Midvale Performing Arts Center 695 W Center Street, Midvale, Utah.
Tickets are $10 and are available at the door or online at

Robin Hood: Ryan Bullock
Maid Marion: Sasha Nugter
Lady Hawkley: Rossy Thrall
Little John: Michael Thrall
Tuck: Nikki North
Will Scarlet: Stephen Chucay
Narrator/Snow White/Cinderella: Lorrinda Christensen & Kimberly Johnson
Sheriff of Nottingham: Jeff North
Prince John: Brett Andersen
Medusa the Witch: Becky Nielsen
Sir Guy: Kimberly Andersen
Bob: Stasia Johnson

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