Valhalla | A Nordic Rock Opera

Virtual auditions and sign-ups for live auditions are now open for the 2021 production of VALHALLA | A NORDIC ROCK OPERA at the Angelus Theatre in Spanish Fork, produced by Great Hall Theatrical Experiences, written by Stephen Gashler, and directed by Bethany Taylor. To fill out an audition form, and to find out more information about the story, characters, and music, go to

Rehearsals will run primarily at the Angelus Theatre from April 5th – May 29th. (Some rehearsals may take place at homes or other locations in Utah County.) Usual times are from 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM, Mon – Thu (with occasional Fridays) and on Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Performances will run from May 31st – June 12th every evening except Sundays with call times at 6:00 PM and Saturday matinee performances with call times at 12:30 PM. (These dates and times are subject to change.)

You can choose to either submit an audition video or attend a live audition at the Angelus Theatre (165 N Main St, Spanish Fork, UT 84660) on Thursday, April 1st some time between 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM. Live auditions must be scheduled through the audition form. Callbacks will be invitation only on Saturday, April 3rd, from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

There are many roles for ages 18+ (especially as we may double cast the show). While all positions are on a volunteer basis, actors will be thanked for their time with a $100 honorarium. Crew members will be thanked with a $200 honorarium.

If auditioning for Mary, please prepare 16 bars of opera or classical style music to sing.

If auditioning for Sven, Magnus/Magnild, and/or Thor, please prepare 16 bars of classic rock or 80’s rock style music to sing.

For all remaining parts, please prepare 16 bars of classic rock, 80’s rock style music, or musical theater style music to sing. If you would prefer not to sing, you can prepare a song to speak-sing.

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