The Lion’s Den: A New Musical (Concert Reading)

TITLE: The Lion’s Den
LOCATION: Covey Center for the Arts Studio – Provo, Utah
TYPE: Non-Union
COMPANY: Storiar Theatre & Entertainment
PRODUCER: Jordan Pearson

VIDEO AUDITIONS: Nov. 5th – Nov. 12th.  Please email a headshot, resume, and youtube link of you singing 16 bars of a musical theatre piece by Nov. 12th to  There will be no callbacks. Casting will be finalized, with scripts and sheet music sent out by Nov. 14th. To read a sample script and/or listen to songs from the show, please visit:

The Lion’s Den

REHEARSALS: Dec. 4th, 6pm – Covey Center for the Arts Studio, Provo. We will have one rehearsal/read-through followed by some notes. We will set up times to go over songs and characterization through Zoom during the weeks leading up to the rehearsal. You will not need to be memorized (since you’ll be reading the script from a music stand), but it will help to memorize the songs. There will be no blocking other than standing and singing / reading lines.
PERFORMANCES: Dec. 5th, 6pm – Covey Center for the Arts Studio, Provo. This will be a recorded performance, to be posted on Youtube and the Storiar website. We may have a small audience in attendance.
WARDROBE: Actors are required to wear jeans and a black shirt for the performance on Dec. 5th.
SYNOPSIS: Enslaved by a tyrannous Babylonian King, a young Hebrew named Daniel struggles to fit in with his peers. But when a treacherous plot endangers his fellow captives and the girl he loves, he must rely on his own flaws to free his people from bondage before all is lost.


DANIEL (Male 18-25 / Tenor):
A kind-hearted Hebrew, yet a misfit among his peers. Desires belonging and to fit in more than anything. A slave called of God to free Jerusalem from captivity. Romantic interest of RACHEL.
RACHEL (Female 18-25 / Soprano):
A vibrant palace handmaiden. Seeks to reunite with and help her people escape from Babylon. A Hebrew slave in search of her lost brother SHADRACH. Romantic interest of DANIEL.
KASSAYA (Female 18-25 / Alto):
A brave, audacious Babylonian princess. Desires freedom from her royal responsibilities and duties. Falls in love with DANIEL. Daughter of NEBUCHADNEZZAR and AMYTIS.
SHADRACH (Male 18-30 / Bari-Tenor): A Hebrew slave with an indomitable spirit. Desires justice and retribution. Helps his sister RACHEL to find an escape from Babylon. One of DANIEL’s three peers.
MESHACH (Male 18-25 / Baritone):
A comical Hebrew slave. Seeks intellectual prowess, talks his way out of trouble. Helps comrades to escape from Babylon. One of DANIEL’s three peers.
ABED (Male 18-30 / Tenor):
A street-smart Hebrew slave. Desires survival above all else, will do anything to save his own skin. One of DANIEL’s three peers.
NEBUCHADNEZZAR (Male 30-40 / Baritone):
The narcissistic King of Babylon. Desires superiority over all. Husband of AMYTIS, father of KASSAYA.
QUEEN AMYTIS (Female 30-40):
Queen of Babylon. Desires order and tradition to prevail in the kingdom. Wife of NEBUCHADNEZZAR, mother of KASSAYA.
ASHPENAZ (Male 25-40 / Bass):
The King’s cunning Counselor. Seeks to be the favorite. Despises the Hebrews and any who would stifle his rise to power.
MELZAR (Male 25-40):
A meticulous palace servant. Attends NEBUCHADNEZZAR’s every whim, announces the entries of royalty.
MOTHER (Female 30-40):
DANIEL’s conscious Mother. Desires her son’s well-being, sees the potential in others.

For more information, please visit Thank you for your interest! We look forward to your audition!

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