
Strength by Lori Brock is a wonderful play about overcoming challenges and showing up for your friends. The play stars several characters with disabilities, which will be filled by actors with disabilities. The show will run September 2-10 at The Box Too, 130 South 400 West. This is WTC’s opener for its 25th season. Auditions will be a combination of in-person and virtual. Virtual auditions must be received by August 2 at 9 pm and should be sent to Those auditioning virtually are asked to prepare a one-minute monologue in the style of the show and send the video. Those auditioning in person should also prepare a one-minute monologue and may be asked to read from the script. A copy of the script can be found on the Wasatch Theatre Company website.

Available roles:
BETH: A young woman in her late twenties who has cerebral palsy that
significantly affects speech and coordination to the point that she needs
someone to feed her.

MARJORIE: Beth’s mother who is in her early sixties and has developed severe


MIKE: Beth’s friend and the leader of the Rolling and Roving Barons (Barons).

Mike is fit and uses a wheelchair.

TODD: A veteran member of the Barons in his sixties. Todd also uses a

wheelchair, and he is dying from lung cancer.

ANNIE: A server at Artie’s restaurant.

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