Stephen Sondheim’s Company Auditions

MMST is excited to announce it’s upcoming auditions for the next show of our 2020 season, Stephen Sondheim’s Company.

Auditions will be held on January 28th and 29th, 2020 from 7-9 p.m at the Midvale Main Street Theatre (7711 South Main Street – 700 West). Callbacks will be by invitation only on Sunday, February 2nd.

Please note this show does have strong content (marijuana use, alcohol use, some sexual content), be advised before auditioning.

We will be taking appointments for auditions. Please sign up at link below.

Walk in auditions will be fit in during our down time, but appointments will take priority.

All roles are open. Please prepare 16-32 bars of music in the style of the show. Please bring music on a CD or phone/iPod. No accompanist will be available. Please do NOT sing anything from the show itself.

Show dates: March 26- April 11th, 2020. We have shows Thursday-Sunday nights.

The directorial team will include:
Director/Choreographer: Kyle Esposito
Producer: Tammy Ross
Music Director: Alec Powell

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask or email the director at or

“From musical theatre’s most renowned composer, Company is largely regarded as a trailblazer of the dark-comedy, modern-musical genre and the winner of seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Best Score, Best Lyrics and Best Book.

On the night of his 35th birthday, confirmed bachelor, Robert, contemplates his unmarried state. Over the course of a series of dinners, drinks and even a wedding, his friends – “those good and crazy people [his] married friends” – explain the pros and cons of taking on a spouse. The habitually single Robert is forced to question his adamant retention of bachelorhood during a hilarious array of interactions.”

Character Breakdown

The story’s protagonist, he is a keen observer who appears happy but holds pain in his heart. He is the only one of his friends still single. Terrified of marriage and fears a lifelong loneliness.
Gender: Male Age: 30 to 40
Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: G3

Harry’s hyper critical wife. She is an avid learner of karate and tends to overeat. Open, accepting, and full of love.
Gender: Female Age: 25 to 40
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Sarah’s husband. He is a recovering alcoholic continually falling off the wagon. Believes the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages.
Gender: Male Age: 30 to 45
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

A delicate southern belle. Peter’s wife and ex-wife. Motherly in her affections towards Robert.
Gender: Female Age: 30 to 40
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Susan’s husband. The perfect husband and ex-husband. He is very liberal in his view of relationships.
Gender: Male Age: 30 to 40
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: B3

Quietly manipulative, simultaneously square and wise. Loves her husband, David, and will indulge him from time to time.
Gender: Female Age: 30 to 40
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Jenny’s husband, he is relaxed and always in control. Believes a man should be married and that the sacrifice of freedom is worth what you get in return.
Gender: Male Age: 30 to 40
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: B3

A frantic neurotic engaged to Paul but terrified of marriage. After a mental breakdown, she finally realizes that Paul is, in fact, her soulmate.
Gender: Female Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: G3

Amy’s fiancé. Mildly clingy, but patient to her neurotic nature. He is fully committed to the idea of marriage and encourages Robert to do the same.
Gender: Male Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: B3

Acerbic, demanding, and blunt. Too old to be part of the young crowd, but not old enough to be part of the older crowd. Puts on a brassy front that melts when she is alone with her husband.
Gender: Female Age: 40 to 55
Vocal range top: B5 Vocal range bottom: G3

Joanne’s husband. He is stoic and centered, but has moments of goofiness. Indulges his wife’s behavior but knows when to put his foot down.
Gender: Male Age: 45 to 60
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: B3

A girlfriend of Robert’s. Intensely modern, who is seeking adventure and excitement in the City.
Gender: Female Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

An old girlfriend of Robert’s, who is now considered a good friend. She plans to leave the City for a life of domesticity. Sweet and loving.
Gender: Female Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

A girlfriend of Robert’s. She is a flight attendant who came to New York to live in Radio City. Ditzy and adorable.
Gender: Female Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

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