Peter Pan Jr.

South Valley Youth Theater Auditions for Peter Pan Jr.
Director: Jessie Ibrahim
Assistant Director: Heidi Gerber
Music Director :Chantel Goodwin
Auditions August 12 and 13 6:30 to 8:30 pm Callbacks are Saturday, August 14th during the day.
Video Auditions can be sent in anytime before the 14th to
Prepare 16-32 measures of a Broadway or Disney style song Bluetooth speaker will be provided for auditioners.
Performs in October
Auditions and Rehearsals at Skye Park 4800 W Skye Dr, South Jordan, UT 84095
If you. have any questions email us at
There is a $55 production fee
Characters and recommended ages (Parent’s are welcome too)
Peter Pan: Male or Female 12 and up
Wendy: Female 12 and up
John: Male 10 and up
Michael: Male 6 and up
Nana: Any
Mrs. Darling: Female 14 and up
Mr. Darling: Male 14 and up
Liza: Female any
Tiger Lily: Female 10 and up
Brave Girls: Female any
Brave 1: any
Brave 2: any
Little Brave: 4 and up
Lost Boys: Male or Female any
Nibs: any
Slightly: any
Curley: any
Tootles: any
Twin #1: any
Twin # 2: any
Captain Hook: Male 12 and up
Smee: Male 12 and up
Pirates: any
Noodles: any
Cecco: any
Starkey: any
Crocodile: any
Shadow: any
Sign up for an audition time here
Online Audition Form here
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