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Newsies comes to Herriman!  This Disney film turned Tony-winning Broadway hit inspires everyone to fight for what’s right and seize the day!

 Herriman Arts Council is pleased to announce auditions for its summer musical production of “Newsies” July 8-18, 2020

All roles are open.  We are auditioning performers age 8 (as of April 6, 2020) and older. 


Friday, March 13, 2020 @ 5:15 pm – 8:45 pm

Saturday, March 14, 2020 @ 12:15 pm – 8:45 pm


Fire Station 123.  4850 West Patriot Ridge Drive, Herriman, Utah

Call Backs:

By invitation only.

Monday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

Location: Herriman City Hall. 5355 West Main St. Herriman, Utah


  • Please go to the following link to register for an audition time.
  • Click on the Green “Audition Registration” Button to sign up for an audition time
  • Before checking out in the registration process, open and download the audition packet and other documents. (you will also receive an email confirmation and can print the documents from the email as well)
  • Please complete the “Audition Packet” and other forms in their entirety that you download and print and bring it with you to the audition
  • Please bring your theatre resume and headshot to the audition (if available), Please staple your resume and headshot to the back of the completed audition packet
  • List all rehearsal conflicts on the “Rehearsal Schedule”. If it is not listed it will not be allowed as an absence.
  • Prepare an audition song in the style of the show with 16 measures or approximately 30-45 seconds. Bring your sheet music in a book or binder and clearly mark the beginning and end of the song where you wish to sing including any intro. An accompanist will be provided.  Please do not give the accompanist music printed from a picture file (JPG, etc) as it can be blurry and sometimes difficult to read.  If not indicated in the music, please note the tempo you wish for your song
  • Recordings or minus tracks are permitted. Please bring on your own device. Hook ups will be made available
  • Call back auditions will be by invitation only from Monday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

 Newsies Character List

The intent of the Herriman Arts Council is to cast Children and Adults.

Actors can range from ages 8 and above. They must be able to play the age of the character; therefore consider the listed ages as extremely flexible.

Jack Kelly: (Age: 17) Lead Male. Vocal Range – High Tenor (up to A4).  Must have a great tenor voice and sense of physicality

Katherine Plummer:  Lead Female. Vocal Range Soprano. Requires a great contemporary voice with a high belt. Diction is key. Love interest for Jack.

Crutchie: (Age: 15Early 20’s) Feature Role. Vocal Range – High Tenor (up to A4). Requires great physicality

Davey: (Age: 17 Late Teens – Early 20’s) Feature Role. Vocal Range – High Tenor (up to A4)

 Les: (Age: 9 8-10) Feature Role.

Spot Conlon:  Feature Role.

Newsies: (Ages 8- early 20’s) Supporting Roles. Requires Great Physicality

Albert, Buttons, Elmer, Finch, Henry, Ike, Jo Jo, Mike, Mush, Race, Romeo, Specs, Splasher and Tommy Boy

Pulitzer: (Age: 40-50’s) Feature Role.

Seitz: (Age: 30-50’s) Supporting Role.

Bunsen: (Age: 30-50’s) Supporting Role.

Hannah: (Age: 30-50’s) Supporting Role. Vocal Range – Alto

Medda Larkin: Supporting Role. Vocal Range – Alto.

Adult Ensemble– Adults cast will have multiple roles.

Other supporting roles: Scabs, Darcy, Bill, Photographer, Nunzio, Wiesel, Oscar Delancey, Morris Delancey, Nuns, Goons, Mr. Jacobi, Snyder, Police, Mayor of New York, Governor Teddy Roosevelt, Bowery Beauties, Stage Manager, Newsies

 Additional Information

Production Dates:

July 8 -18, 2020 (all shows begin at 8pm)


W & M Butterfield Park Rosecrest Pavilion, 6212 Butterfield Park Way, Herriman, UT 84096


-All audition information and/or dates are subject to change without notice

-Rehearsals begin Monday, April 6, 2019.

-Monday-Thursday rehearsals will be from 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm

-Saturday rehearsals will be from approximately 9 am to 1 pm

-”Tech Week” rehearsals begin June 20 – July 7th beginning as early as 5:00pm and going as late as 11:30pm.

The show will be directed by Kristin Housley.  Kristin has been a member of the Herriman Arts Council for the past 7 years and directed the HAC productions of Mary Poppins (2016) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (2018). Kristin has her MFA in Acting from the Asolo Conservatory, Florida State University. She has performed locally at the Grand Theater and was last seen in their production of “Streetcar Named Desire” and had one of the leading roles in The Grand’s production of “Skin of Our Teeth” in 2015


Producer- James Crane

Director- Kristin Housley

Choreographer- Jenna Ahlman

Music Director- Brent Rindlisbacher

Production Manager- Deb Taylor

“The Herriman Arts Council thanks the voters of Salt Lake County for their support of the Zoo, Arts & Parks program.  One-tenth of one percent of the Salt Lake County sales tax goes to support local cultural, botanical, and zoological organizations, This funding has not only stabilized many of Salt Lake’s cultural organizations, but has also funded the construction of new recreational facilities, and improved walking trails, ZAP funding helps to provide “free” days, free concerts, reduce ticket prices for students, and provide in-school programs for children in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade.”


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One Response to Newsies

  1. McKenna says:

    Hi! The audition packet you download at checkout hasn’t been appearing correctly on my computer after I download it.
    I’m hoping it’s the same as the blue “Auditions Form” button on the Arts Council home page, is that safe to assume?

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