Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing Casting Call!

Mad King Productions, in conjunction with Dented Brick Distillery, is excited to bring our next production of Drunk Shakespeare to the Garten this summer! Much Ado About Nothing was initially cast last year, and while many of our actors have chosen to return to their parts, we are still in need of several more rolls to be filled. The parts needing to be cast are as follows:

Hero- Hero is Leonato’s daughter. Love interest of Claudio and close cousin of Beatrice. Young, sweet, and a strong woman in her own right

Claudio- Claudio is a Count of Don Pedro’s, who has distinguished himself in the recent war. He is from Florence, and falls instantly in love with Hero. He is naïve and easily swayed by opinions of his peers.

Don Pedro- the Prince of Aragon. He has just won a war against his illegitimate half-brother Don John. He reconciles himself to his brother, though he doesn’t speak to him much and may merely be keeping a close eye on him.

Conrade- Conrade is one of Don John’s followers (possibly in love with him). He attempts to cheer Don John up and to convince him that he should be, at the least, happy that Don Pedro has taken him back, and use that favor to pursue his own ends.

Multiple roles with handfuls of lines in several scenes, will also assist with the audience participation member in each show.

All parts are open to any ethnicity and gender. **Participants must be 21 or over. **

Production will be set in the 1920’s. Please prepare a Classical Monologue at least 1 minute long.

Please send audition video to by April 21st.

If you have any further questions, contact us through the email above or visit our website

**COVID GUIDELINES-rehearsals will be in small groups to start with, in a fully ventilated and open rehearsal space. Masks will be required, if we find that everyone at a rehearsal has been fully vaccinated and past the waiting period we will discuss rehearsing without masks. Performances are in an outdoor space, and more than 6 feet away from audience members, therefore will be performing maskless.**

Drunk Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing is directed by Carleigh Naylor and will be performing in early August. Rehearsals will held at Dented Brick Distillery Tuesday-Thursday with Saturday mornings as well.

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