Heartless the Musical

Heartless the Musical is a student written and produced musical based on the best selling novel by author Marissa Meyer. Heartless tells the story of the Queen of Hearts before she came to power, when she was just a young girl with dreams of being a baker, but everything changes when a mysterious Jester joins the King’s court. This production will be directed by Heidi Thomas, music director Ivy Robbins, and stage manager Jax Jessop. Produced by White Rose Productions. Performing at The Covey Center in Provo, August 10th-12th.

All roles open to individuals grade 9th-12th

Auditions will be Saturday April 8th at Elite Dance Studio 4026 South 2700 East. Please follow the link below and sign up for an audition time that works for you. We ask that you sign up for the next available spot if possible. We also ask that you be 5-10 minutes early. If called back, callbacks will be April 14th.

Heartless Audition Signup

Please email Heartless.cast@gmail.com to get the audition form and the conflict calendar. Fill out both of these forms. You will need to bring these to your audition as well as your headshot and resume.

For your audition we ask that you sing 30-60 seconds of a modern musical theater song.  Please bring a karaoke track or sheet music with your cuts marked in it (we will provide an accompanist). No acapella singing.

At your audition, you will be asked to read a monologue from the Character Descriptions and Monologue sheet below. If the character you’re auditioning for does not have a monologue, please pick one from another character.

We are so excited to have you audition! See you soon!

Character descriptions and monologues (readings do not need to be memorized).

Name: Catherine Pinkerton

Gender: Female

Vocal Range: G3-E5

Age: 17

The future Queen of Hearts. Cath has dreams of opening a bakery with her best friend Mary Anne. She doesn’t want to live the posh and plastic life her parents have planned for her and is looking for a way out before they can marry her off to the king. She falls in love with Jest, the mysterious court joker. Cath is passionate, driven, and more than a bit spoiled but good at heart.

CATH: You may think you know what is best, but you don’t! You have no idea about my dreams, about what would make me happy! This whole idea of me becoming the queen, is your dream, not mine! I don’t want any part of it! I don’t love the King! I don’t even like him all that much! It’s unfair! I should be able to make my own choices but you still throw me into things like a little girl! You’ve planned out my entire life without once asking what I want! 

Name: Jest

Gender: Male

Vocal Range: G2-D4

Age: 17-19

The new court joker in Hearts. He is a HAND-SOME Rook (Knight of the White Queen) from Chess, on a mission from the White Queen to steal Cath’s heart. Eventually falls in love with Cath. His best friends are Raven and Hatta. He is also the King’s confidant and Jester. Jest is a confident and witty romantic and he is determined to be with Cath despite the steep cost.

JEST: It was prophesied that in the kingdom of Hearts there would be a queen with a heart so fierce and passionate and determined, it would guide our kingdom to victory. Our Queen is a bit like your King, bumbling, clumsy, sheepish, and terrified of conflict. I don’t think she could ever win the war. That’s why our King sent Hatta, Raven, and I on a mission to steal the heart of the Queen of Hearts and take it back to Chess. But Time sent us here too early. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one we were sent here to find. I had to charm you into giving me your heart to take back to Chess. Cath, there is nothing left for me in Chess. A never-ending war. Almost certain death. If I had a reason to stay in Hearts, I would. Hatta and Raven might hate me forever, or maybe they’d stay too, I don’t know. But I would stay for you. If you want me.

Name: Hatta

Gender: Any and All

Vocal Range: G3-C5 (opt. A5) OR G2-C4 (opt. A4)

Age: 19-24

The wandering salesperson and half-mad hatter. They are a traveler and a pawn of the White Queen. Known for their individuality and pride, Hatta is often described as thorny. Best friends with Jest and Raven. Hatta is attempting to avoid a destined fate worse than death.

HATTA: I don’t think it would be wise. You see, I don’t believe you’ll be successful. Don’t get me wrong, your baked goods are delectable. But you see, how can you be so sure that it wasn’t your cake that caused the Turtle to change? It only takes one cake, doesn’t it? Besides I have a personal rule about not entering into business with spineless creatures. No snakes. No slippery eels. And worst of all, no fickle women. Play coy all you like, Lady Pinkerton. Cling to your belief in your own innocence. You know as well as I that you’re going to break at least one heart before this is over, and I want nothing more to do with you.

Name: Raven

Gender: Masculine Leaning

Vocal Range: Eb2-G3

Age: 21-24

Raven is Jest’s best friend and Rook of the White Queen. He is cryptic and poetic, speaking only in rhyme. He eventually becomes Cath’s executioner when she ascends to the throne.

RAVEN:  Lady hath stumbled on this midnight dreary, with a pallor frightfully pale and weary. I know nothing of your hoped-for salt, though with your plan I find a fault. To keep her from awaking groggy, ‘twould be most prudent to make her soggy.

RAVEN: Such happiness I hope you’ll make, but these flirtations I cannot take. I wish for you all the joy this darkened world can employ, but you’re still giving me a stomachache. 

Name: The King of Hearts

Gender: Male

Vocal Range: B2-F#3

Age: 35-40

The King is a comedic, childlike character, he wishes to marry Cath and is oblivious to her relationship with Jest. He loves her baking and has a big sweet tooth.

KING: I cannot call myself unbiased, for I am the definition of biased! The wonderful Lady Pinkerton made this cake, a girl who is to be my bride! I will say in any competition that she must be the winner! The winner of my heart and joy! You see, I-I…I love you, Lady Pinkerton!

Name: Mary Ann

Gender: Female

Vocal Range: G3-B4

Age: 16-18

Cath’s best friend and a maid in the Pinkerton household. She is very smart and logical, she’s often trying to keep Cath out of trouble.

MARY ANN: Yes, I bought it a few days ago. At Hatta’s Marvelous Millinery. What? After everything you told me about your tea party with the joker there, I simply had to see it. Besides, the place is hardly a secret. The whole town has been gossiping about the extraordinary new hat shoppe. That new hatter really knows how to market to her customers. What do you think?  It’s not particularly elaborate, but when I saw it, it just felt right. Wearing it makes me feel almost… whimsical.  It probably sounds silly. It’s just, you’re always dreaming. Whether it’s roses or lemon trees. And the Marquess has such a grand imagination with his stories. Whereas to me, life is all numbers and logic, profit and loss, practical and safe. I thought it might be nice to just…dream. For once. This hat makes that feel possible for me. 

Name: Marchioness

Gender: Female

Vocal Range: B3-C5

Age: 45-50

Cath’s overbearing mother. Wants what’s best for Cath but doesn’t put much effort into understanding her daughter. She wants Cath to marry the king and has most of her daughter’s life planned out. She is arrogant, graceful and prideful but tries to do what she thinks is right.

MARCHIONESS: Confound it all Catherine! Did the King enjoy your macarons? Did he propose or not? Oh how this is wearing on my nerves! All day I was hoping for the sound of the King’s trumpets, announcing your engagement! But it didn’t come! Even though you played croquet and took a turn around the gardens! You can’t say the mood wasn’t romantic! Unless.. unless he has changed his mind! Oh dear! What are we to do? How could you run off like that at the ball?

Name: Marquess

Gender: Male

Age: 45-50

Cath’s distracted father. He is a bit oblivious but loves his wife and daughter. He is a natural storyteller and has no preference for aristocratic life. He loves his daughter’s baking but only sees it as a hobby.

MARQUESS: Fairytales aren’t all what they seem, my dear. Now, across the infamous looking glass, lived the White Queen and her protectors, the Rooks. The rooks’ identities were kept secret as they protected the White Queen and her court against their enemies in the Red Queendom. Some say that one day, a new queen will ascend to the throne, and help the White Queen defeat the Red Queen. 

Name: Margaret Mearle

Gender: Female

Vocal Range: B3-B4

Age: 18-21

Lady of the Court. Snotty, rude and ill-mannered. Obsessed with morality and ethics. Very insecure and uses her knowledge and “holier than thou” attitude to hide it.

MARGARET (walks up): Lady Catherine, I did wonder if you would be here tonight. Though I must say, your dress is unduly red. You know, I find that such forms of prideful adornments and accoutrements are quite sinful (MARGARET folds her arms condescendingly). One might think you were trying to cause a scene. But excuses are also a sin Lady Pinkerton. Nevertheless I’ll look past your blunder. I’m far more irked with the Duke over there.

Name: Peter Peter

Gender: Male

Age: 25-35

The lead antagonist, a pumpkin farmer with a dark secret. He is rude and uncivil. Besides all that, he loves his wife very much.

PETER: What did you do with it? Answer me now! I don’t know what that maid of yours saw or thought she saw- but I won’t let you hurt her. Now tell me what you’ve done with it! You stupid girl! I’m not an idiot. The whole kingdom saw you with that sword. Now tell me what you’ve done with it!

Name: Lady Peter/Jabberwock #1

Gender: Female

Age: 25-35

The weak and half-starved wife of Sir Peter. Though frantic and anxious, she is much more than she seems.

Name: Alice

Gender: Female

Age: 13-16

She is visiting Wonderland. Curious and unconventional. She has striking similarities to Cath and always needs to find the answer to things.

Name: Duke of Tuskany

Gender: Male

Age: 25-30

He is very proper but shy and timid. He can sometimes come off as arrogant because of his natural introversion. He is in love with Margaret Mearle but doesn’t know how to talk to her.

Name: White Rabbit

Gender: Any

Age: 25-40

The announcer at all court functions and trusted servant of the King of Hearts.

Name: Countess Wontuthry

Gender: Female

Age: 50-60

An older woman of nobility and a big gossip. Makes it her responsibility to play matchmaker with all the young noblemen and women

Dance Core


Name: Elsie

Gender: Female

Age: Any

One of the sisters who guards the treacle well. She has a crush on Jest.

Name: Lacie

Gender: Female

Age: Any

One of the sisters who guards the treacle well.

Name: Tillie

Gender: Female

Age: Any

One of the sisters who guards the treacle well.

Name: March Hare – Haigha

Gender: Male/Female

Age: Any

A friend of Hatta’s, originally from Chess and a messenger for the White Queendom

Name: Lion

Gender: Male/Female

Age: Any

A brave beast who courageously sacrifices himself.

Name: Turtle

Gender: Male/Female

Age: Any

A shy creature who loves poetry and pastries.

Name: Mouse/Butler

Gender: Male/Female

Age: Any

A friend of Hatta’s.

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