Auditions for SVYT’s Next Elite Cast Show –GODSPELL 

Director: Jessie Ibrahim

Assistant Director: Amelia Brown

Music Director: Chantel Goodwin and Maren Petersen

  We are looking for our next ELITE cast to rehearse and perform a show in a month and a half time! You must be available for most of the rehearsals, as show dates are August 27-September 4thi! There will be in-person auditions on July 5th at the Gazebo at the Herriman Bandstand Park by City Hall from 10 AM-2PM.  5373 Main St, Herriman, UT 84096. Rehearsals will be on Saturdays 10 am- 2pm  and by appointment one on one for solo work in July and M,T,W,TH 5:00 pm-9:00 pm S 10 am- 2 pm  the first week of August and M-S the rest of August till showtime

 If you cannot make it, please send a video audition in to info@svyt.biz by July 5th at 2PM.  Videos can be sent starting now.  Please send your name, number, email and conflicts between now and September 4th. Pay close attention to the audition details, this show is set up differently than most!!!

Most of the characters in this show are named after the original cast who played the roles. Apart from Jesus and Judas (age 14 and up), the rest of the cast is made of you!!! There is no minimal or maximum age requirement to audition. The solos and lines in this show will be divided among the cast based off of auditions. For your audition, please prepare as many of the following songs as you’d like to show us. We will go over them once or twice as a group at in-person auditions, or you may send them all in as video auditions. Included with the list of songs are also links to a cast recording you may want to use to learn them, as well as good karaoke tracks for those who need to send in video auditions. Note that the soloist songs can be sung by anyone, so if a song is sung by a man in the recording, a lady can still get that solo for our production. There is a $55 cast production fee and minimum 20 ticket sales per family, this  includes a cast T-shirt.


Audition Materials:

“All For the Best” – Jesus (Learn from beginning to 1:04) & Judas (Learn from 1:04 to 1:37)


Karaoke:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kiKM5Cqsgs&list=PL4643B7CBF7934BEC&index=12


“Turn Back, O Man” – Soloist (Learn from beginning to 1:09)


Karaoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMOgPJwa2YI&list=PL4643B7CBF7934BEC&index=8


“Oh Bless The Lord” – Soloist (Learn from 1:50 to the end)


Karaoke:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk8m0ZbE0DU&list=PL4643B7CBF7934BEC&index=17


“We Beseech Thee” – Soloist (Learn from beginning to 0:53)


Karaoke:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7jI4fY3jHY&list=PL4643B7CBF7934BEC&index=5


“All Good Gifts” – Soloist (Learn from beginning to 1:11)


Karaoke:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdlJ5HkXDag&list=PL4643B7CBF7934BEC&index=11


“On the Willows” – Soloist (Learn from beginning to 1:10) 


Karaoke:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHVvw_DfQGU&list=PL4643B7CBF7934BEC&index=4


    If you have any questions about the music for your audition, contact Chantel at chantelgother@gmail.com. If you have questions about the auditions in general, contact Jessie at info@svyt.biz.  

We are so excited to see you at auditions!

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