Forever Dead

Forever Dead
Written by: Eric R. Jensen
Show Run Dates: Sept. 30th thru Oct. 29th, 2022
Directed by Tony Huso
Musically Directed by KarLee Smedshammer

Virtual auditions are opened to all ethnicities. This musical is about four monsters who find their way through telling their stories of how they came to be.  We are looking to double casts these roles to males and females. Please submit your audition videos singing in the genre of the Forever Plaid musical.  Please email to a current headshot, your acting resume, a 30 second video of you singing your favorite song with a track preferably.  Please ensure that we can access your link and give us access up to July 23rd to review. Share your video links to,, and to

We will let you know if you made it to a callbacks, which will be in person aon July 23rd. The time and location will be texted, email or you will receive a call from the director, Tonya Huso.

Please fill out this form for audition purposes.  By filling out this form you are agreeing to let the OBT contact you in regards to audition needs.  The information on this audition form is for audition purposes and casting. If you are selected then your info will be added to the cast list for cast and crew to use for communication purposes for rehearsals and performances.

Ages 17 years and up. All ethnicities are welcomed and all roles are open.

Character Breakdown: Some roles may be cast as gender neutral (male or female)
Actors of all ethnicities are encouraged to audition.

Does your family like awesome music? Hilarious comedy? Bloodthirsty monsters? Uh, forget that last one… At any rate, they’ll love this comical, Halloween musical revue. Enjoy Dracula, Wolfman, Frankenstein, and Mummy singing tight-harmony songs from the ’60s, ’70s, and today in an effort to escape their endless torment at the OBT in Draper. Halloween shows are always a hit at the OBT, so make your reservation soon. You’ll be glad you’re dead!

First of all it is important to know that what we are trying to create is the idea of the CLASSIC Hollywood monster types, yet the characters themselves are more like regular average friendly people you may meet on the street. It seems that their day job is Monstering, whereas when they get off work they deal with the same challenges and problems you and I deal with. Outwardly they should look terrible and mean, but inwardly they are friendly, warm, insecure, angry, funny, annoying, confused and all the other emotions you and I experience. They should sound like “every man”, not stereotypical monsterish, while retaining an awful horrific look.

Doris – a kind, well meaning janitor who actually has some history with the theater. She knows about some of the stories that have taken place, and she likes to perpetuate them. She also is sort of a Boris Carloff type of person, or even perhaps a mad scientist type.

Sphinx – the oldest of the group. He’s/she’s definitely the leader and everyone respects him/her because of his/her great knowledge. He/she is well spoken and very bright. He/she is covered from head to toe in off-white bandages and has a very generic Mummy look. He/she may however have the Pharaoh hat we see in the Ten commandments.

Frankie – as far as looks go, has the typical Frankenstein’s or Bride of Frankenstein monster look, but since he/she has an abnormal brain, he.she sounds a little like a valley girl. This is done because hopefully the audience will clue into the fact that he’s or she ditsy. He’s/she’s not effeminate, but he/she definitely does not have the voice we typically associate with Frankenstein monster. He/she has a flat top and bolts on the neck and should be played as though he/she were overweight.

Barky – a werewolf, will look like the classic Lon Chaney wolfman or wolf woman with makeup and hair around his/her face. He/she should not be attempted with a mask. A wig headpiece that goes around the head, and perhaps on the cheeks would be ideal, so that he/she can sing and also give expression. He or she should have a shirt and pants on but they should be ragged with little bits of fur sticking out. It would be great if he or she had werewolf gloves and feet. Barky is not stupid, he/she just doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on, on stage. He/she wants to be the wise cracker, but he’s not sharp enough. He is very likable and loyal just like a faithful pet.

Bloods – the prankster of the group. He or she also the smart aleck. He or she loves these guys and deep down they love him/her too. But he/she acts sorta like one of your friend’s older brothers, who just can’t help giving you a hard time. He’s/she’s not conceited per se, but because of the fact that he/she  is so impressed with his/her own abilities, he/she can’t help but spurt them out as he/she speaks. Nobody really hates him/her, they just get annoyed with Barky’s personality that seems to take more than give. He/she should be a typical vampire with the cape and the gothic look. Fangs, black hair, and the whole nine yards. Probably NO Transylvanian accent.

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