“Coping With Normal” YouTube Web Series

Video submissions with callbacks live (but safe). Auditions are for children 8 and up, teens and adults. 

Submissions are due by Saturday, May 1, 2021 and include a form to fill out and a recorded monologue submitted. (preferably one from film)

This audition is for Imagination Required Studios. We are a new family owned studio that is working hard to bring engaging storytelling that is “clean” (free from graphic content). This is not a paid opportunity, at this time, and is voluntary as we are just starting, but we offer mentorship and experience from highly trained people.  We take what we do very seriously and are excited to meet you.

I am the Producer, Stephenie Cooper, and I’m happy to answer any questions. “Coping With Normal” can be found on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/CopingWithNormal  We are currently releasing Season 2. Auditions will be for Season 3 “Coping With Normal”, and also for an additional show we will be piloting. 

Attached is the google form to fill out or you can go to the facebook page COPING WITH NORMAL and there is a link on there as well. Thank you so much for your time! https://forms.gle/31TikTF183ewDoty7

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