Cinderella’s Glas Slipper

Cinderella’s Glass Slipper Auditions

Director: Jessie Ibrahim
Assistant Director Stari Smith



Cinderella’s Glass Slipper

Prepare 18-30 measures of a Broadway or Disney style song, Bluetooth speaker provided.

Recommended for ages 8 and up Auditions and rehearsals will be held outdoors

April 29 and 30 from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm at Skye Park

4800 W Skye Dr, South Jordan,

Callbacks will be held at the same location on May 1, 10 am to 4 pm. If you have any

questions or would like to send in a video audition, email us. Videos can be sent in

up until April 29 @

or find us on Facebook!

There is a $55 participation fee and ticket sales required Performances will be at:

Herriman Bandstand outdoor stage June 30-July 3 Rehearsals are run by

scene/character on Tuesday and

Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.

There will be a new parent meeting Monday, May 3rd and rehearsals start May 4th.


ROLES and stage age appearance (May do an older and younger cast depending on auditions)
PRINCE: 12 and up
CAPTAIN: soldier 12 and up
LIEUTENANT 1: another soldier 12 and up
LIEUTENANT 2: another soldier 10 and up
BRUNHILDA: Stepsister 12 and up
CLEOPATRA: Stepsister 12 and up
ANASTASIA: Stepsister 10 and up
STEPMOTHER: 13 and up
CINDERELLA: 12 and up
MISTRESS HAUGHTY: Old know it all neighbor 14 and up
LADY URSULA‐URSULA: lady‐in‐waiting to Queen 12 and up
LADY BLOSSOM: marriage prospect 12 and up
LADY VINE: another marriage prospect 12 and up
QUEEN: 12 and up
Male or Female:
ATTILA: timid cat 12 and under
MOUSE: likes cheese 10 and under
APPRENTICE: to Fairy Godmother any age
MAJORDOMO: from the palace any age
PUMPKINHEAD: talking gourd any age



 If you have further questions contact us at
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3 Responses to Cinderella’s Glas Slipper

  1. Jessie Ibrahim says:

    Online Audition form link

  2. Jessie Ibrahim says:

    Thank you everyone for coming out and auditioning. What a great group of talented youth! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Please look over the full list as several of you have multiple callbacks to attend tomorrow. We are still looking to add a few more guys to our cast. If you have any guys who you would like to invite, they can come at either 9 am or at 2 pm. Get lots of rest tonight, bring a water bottle and be ready to bring lots of character tomorrow!
    10 am-11 am Attila, Mouse, Pumpkinhead:

    1 Video Emily

    6 Video Madison
    4 Video Gretel

    13 Eden

    15 Daniel

    19 Amelia

    28 Joseph

    29 Rachel

    32 Celeste

    37 Hollyn

    11 am -12:30 pm Fairy Godmother, Apprentice, Haughty:

    5 Video Mari

    2 Video Kylie

    6 Madison

    4 Gretel

    7 Video Sophie

    3 Alyssa

    8 Alexandria

    10 Elizabeth

    11 Sarah

    13 Eden

    14 Lexi

    16 Mariam

    18 Evelyn

    21 Audrey

    23 Lexi

    25 Naomi

    26 Willow

    30 Lila

    31 Vanessa

    33 BrieAnn

    34 Brielle

    35 MaiLee
    36 Ambria

    37 Hollyn

    2:00-3:00 Prince, Captain, Lieutenant

    12 Seth

    20 Sam

    24 Connor

    27 Brody

    39 Zach

    12:30-3:00 Stepsisters, Stepmother, Cinderella:

    5 Mari

    2 Kylie

    6 Madison

    4 Gretel

    7 Sophie

    3 Alyssa

    9 Maren

    10 Elizabeth

    11 Sarah

    13 Eden

    14 Lexi

    16 Mariam

    17 Allison

    18 Evelyn

    21 Audrey

    22 Bridget

    23 Lexi

    25 Naomi

    26 Willow

    30 Lila
    31 Vanessa
    33 BrieAnn

    34 Brielle
    35 MaiLee

    36 Ambria

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