“The self-care craze has struck America and we’ve never been more relaxed.
When desperation meets essential oils, four women collide at a self-care convention and navigate the lavender-scented trickle down effect of multi-level marketing and manipulation.”
Directed by Lane Richins.
This show is intended to be Wasatch Theatre Company’s contribution to the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival (performance dates: July 20-August 9).
Actors of color are encouraged to audition. Compensation is available, starting at $100 per performer. The script is available from Jim Martin at jimm.wtc@gmail.com.
Cast of Characters:
Lynette: Mid to late 40s, stay-at-home mother, Lululemon Texan, collector of crystals.
Gheree (this role has alreday been cast): Late 30s, name is pronounced “Geri,” but any time there is an asterisk in the script, it is mispronounced as “Gary,” insecure, has an oil for any occasion, new to the self-care game.
Bee (this role has alreday been cast): Late 30s to early 40s, gregarious, outspoken, granola bookstore owner, obsessed with bees.
Erin: Any age, scrappy, weathered from real life, obviously in a different economicbracket from the others, a person of color.
Emeline Plantagenet: 40s to 50s, the Jesus of the self-care movement, white, pristine, wealthy.
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