1776, the Musical

The Old Grantsville Church Dinner Theatre announces AUDITIONS for 1776, the Musical. Walk in on either Friday, May 10, 7:00 to 9:00pm or Saturday, May 11, 1:00 to 3:00pm at the Old Grantsville Church, 297 West Clark Street, Grantsville, UT, or make a different appointment using the number below. Callbacks TBA. Prepare a Broadway-style song AND monologue for audition. Performances will be during the weekends before and after the 4th of July, and will be set according to schedules of the actors where possible, including double-casting some roles, if needed. Rehearsals will be on some Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday evenings and Saturday daytimes, depending on your character part.  The show will be directed by Matt Price.  Characters are listed below. For more info, call/text (435)241-8131.

Character Breakdown

John Adams
Delegate from Massachusetts. John is a dutiful husband. Opinionated, passionate, and a bit boisterous, he wears his age with pride. Starving for independence from England.
Gender: Male
Age: 41 to 41
Vocal range top: F#4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Stephen Hopkins
Delegate from Rhode Island. Hopkins’ drinking has led to an appearance befitting of the 2nd oldest in the Continental Congress.
Playful, off-colored old man.
Gender: Male
Age: 70 to 70
Vocal range top: Eb4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Roger Sherman
Delegate from Connecticut. A coffee drinker with a penchant for hyperactivity, Sherman is a simple and balding cobbler.
Gender: Male
Age: 55 to 55
Vocal range top: Bb4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Robert Livingston
Delegate from New York. Recently a father, Livingston’s disposition has become one of humility and graciousness. He has changed considerably over the years.
Gender: Male
Age: 30 to 30
Vocal range top: F4
Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Delegate from Pennsylvania. Franklin is intelligent, well-traveled, and pleasantly cunning. A jolly and admirable fellow with whom one would desire to have a friendship.
Gender: Male
Age: 60 to 70
Vocal range top: Eb4
Vocal range bottom: Ab2

John Dickinson
Delegate from Pennsylvania. A thin, hawkish gentleman. He is sharp-tongued and a touch detestable.
Gender: Male
Age: 44 to 44
Vocal range top: E4
Vocal range bottom: A2

Col. Thomas Mckean
Delegate from Delaware. McKean is florid and likable with a charming, yet commanding, Scottish Brogue.
Gender: Male
Age: 42 to 42
Vocal range top: Eb4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Richard Henry Lee
Delegate from Virginia, Lee is a willowy aristocrat. His flamboyancy is intoxicating and borderline infuriating.
Gender: Male
Age: 45 to 45
Vocal range top: G4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Thomas Jefferson
Delegate from Virginia. Though noticeably tall, Jefferson is mild-mannered and sweet. Along with being a well read man, he is very much in love with his wife.
Gender: Male
Age: 33 to 33
Vocal range top: G4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Edward Rutledge
Delegate from South Carolina. Despite his good looks, Rutledge is haunting and somewhat ominous as the youngest member of the Continental Congress. There is a serpent-like quality to him.
Gender: Male
Age: 26 to 26
Vocal range top: A4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Abigail Adams
Loving wife to John Adams. Intelligent, quick-witted, and talented with a pen, Abigail is a radiant and shapely beauty. Every bit as bright as her husband.
Gender: Female
Age: 32 to 32
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: Db4

Martha Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson’s very-much-in-love wife. Her looks are striking, her dancing delightful, and her humor appealing. She doesn’t shy away from a good time. Joy radiates from her.
Gender: Female
Age: 27 to 27
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3

The message runner between General Washington’s army and the Continental Congress. He has witnessed the hardships of war firsthand, although his innocent disposition and appearance may imply otherwise.
Gender: Male
Age: 15 to 20
Vocal range top: Db4
Vocal range bottom: C3

Ensemble: Other Signers of the Declaration

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